Top 10 most wanted prayer requests for Christ Connection by the end of 2017

In a little bit I am going to be releasing a post on creating your 10 most wanted prayer requests. This can be a personal list or a family prayer list. As an example I wanted to show you my first draft that I came up with for the ministry today:

  1. Cross 100,000 website views total
  2. Cross 25,000 YouTube views for channel total
  3. Over $2000 in one time gifts
  4. Over $1500 in book sales
  5. 8 New States Sponsored – ($400 new monthly support)
  6. Overseas partnership for speaking trips
  7. Finish and publish next book
  8. Cross 3000 Emails on Ministry List 
  9. 6 month prayer training for new sign ups to email list completed
  10. At least one super fun speaking opportunity (over 1000 people)
Posted in Adventure, Prayer.